I've been a member at this location since I was 13, so I would say that I've had the ability to form a decent opinion about it over the years, I used to live a minute away from here, which is the only reason I ever went here. Anyways, nothing is ever clean here. There is literally a black moldy substance that can be found on the ceilings spread throughout the entire gym. I feel like I would obtain an incurable foot fungus if my bare feet (hell, even my covered feet) were to touch the ground. The staff here is a revolving door, except for Aubrey who is a lifer at this point (great career choice). The vents do not work AT ALL in the summer. It feels like you're in the middle of Bagdhad wearing 3 sweat suits if the temperature outside is above 60 degrees. You would think when they changed this from Bally's to LA Fitness that there would've been some improvement within the last 5 years, but they've literally changed nothing. The cardio machines were all the rage when Jayne Fonda was promoting them decades ago. Don't even mention the fact that there are always 5 to 10 machines that have a notice that you can't use them because they're being fixed. All I ever hear is rumors that there putting in a new LA Fitness somewhere in the general area (old Dick's by the mall and around Best Buy?), but nothing has or will ever happen. This is such a premium location for a gym and it's a shame the management has let this place fall into the seventh circle of hell. Go to Bridgeville, Robinson, or even North Hills if you're looking for an actual LA Fitness.