It's an organization freak's paradise! There's an organizing solution for every area of your home to be found here. The customer service is fantastic, but it's no surprise because I think The Container Store is always ranked in Fortune's Top 100 companies to work for... happy employees = happy customers.
The prices seem a little high on certain things and I never find coupons anywhere. Sometimes I browse here for ideas and then buy elsewhere. But they do have some sort of loyalty shopper program now, although I have no clue how the rewards work. Sometimes I have random ones waiting for me and I'm not sure how I even earned them.
Parking can be kind of crazy in this part of Town Square. I always get tricked by those loading spaces at the front of the lot.
Now if only I could actually have them come in and organize my home FOR me... these containers only work as well as the people filling them. LOL.