I'm still slowly trying to get know Phoenix and I'm happy I found this place. Typical dark dingy music venue. Well, couldn't really tell if it was dingy because it was so dark. I like it that way. I can sit in my little dark cocoon and let the music wash over me. I'm sure if the lights were on I would see all the crusty layers caking the walls, but who wants to see that?
Went to see Grand Ole Party. Great show! They were the opening band for some other band, but didn't stick around that long because they weren't my thing. My sister and I got some great seats. Never seen so much seating in all my life. (in this kind of venue) Perfect for lazy people like me. The little pen made out of road construction fencing where they corralled all the teeny boppers was a little funny. I don't think I've ever seen that kind of setup. Those kids must have cooties.