| - Okay so I was a bit skeptical about moving out and getting my deposit back, after reading some of the reviews on Yelp. But alas, my fears went unconfirmed. I was a renter of Haven Homes for two years, and in that period of time, a couple of switches in management took place. HH has, for sure gone through some growing pains. But my experience has actually been fairly pleasant.
When my air condition broke down in June, Chuck was on the case and within a day, I had a contractor out to fix the problem. Yes, I initially had to talk to the people in California, as that is where the initial phone calls go through, but actually, I happened to run in to some very nice and empathetic people out there.
As for the deposit, here's how you can get yours back:
1. Read your lease frontwards and backwards. There are little pieces of information that one should not overlook. Does it say, "carpet must be professionally cleaned" ? Then do it and retain the receipt to show. My lease was a bit different from the new standard lease, so I was able to talk about the intricacies and changes with Jorge. This brings me to number 2.
2. Talk to Jorge. Be in touch with him often during the last month to negotiate check out time, as well as history of problems with appliances or other apartment wear. I think you will realize that he is a pretty good guy and can empathize.
3. Make sure that you follow instructions on giving notice. Don't leave early without recognizing that you will have to pay out, as dictated in the lease. Having the HH reference was invaluable to me when getting set up with my next home. Gone are the days that rental companies take your word at face value. There are background and credit checks to go through, as well as references to be provided.
I worked me bottom off to get this house ready for inspection and am happy to say that I am getting my deposit back in full. If you are straight forward, honest, and diligent, in the end, I believe that Jorge and HH will come through.