Simple as it gets but don't expect to get as much as you bought it for when you trade in your clothes for cash. You get about 20% more when you choose store credit over cash. Be aware that this is a trendy, hipster kinda clothing store so they will be very picky with what they buy from you, so don't be coming in here expecting they will buy anything from you.
As for me, I like the style they choose to sell. You can really find great deals here from expensive brands names such as American Apparel and Urban Outfitters but be sure to look for unseen damages or stain since they are used clothing. They not only sell clothing but shoes and accessories as well. Very cool employees that are always ready to help. The fitting rooms don't provide the best privacy, so it's best you wear underwear incase you decide to try on some clothes.
You can donate clothes here too if you find your closet full of clothes that you don't wear anymore. It's better than throwing it away knowing it will help clothe the less fortunate. Overall this is cool for what its tryin' to be, a trendy slightly more expensive thrift clothing store.