My first MIku visit was in Vancouver. Loved the aburi sushi and the service was absolutely top notch - and anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm very critical of service.
So when I saw Miku Toronto was taking part in Winterlicious, could not resist. $28 for lunch and it was 100% worth it. Both DC and I walked away stuffed (but not in a sickly way) and very satisfied. Service was great but didn't wow me as much as Vancouver, although it's pretty hard to live up to that standard. If you haven't had it before, aburi sushi is basically torch seared nigiri. There are only a handful of places that serves it in Toronto, one being JaBistro where the chef spent time at Miku Vancouver.
If you like sushi, do yourselves a favour and try out aburi sushi at Miku. For what it's worth, their desserts were divine as well.