| - I really don't know how this place stays in business. I'm new in town and need a regular spot.. this place is close, so I pulled in. I was going to get a full set, but while waiting, I pulled up Yelp for ideas on designs they can do, but all I saw was nightmare pics and stories! Some of these full sets look like a joke. So, I decided to just get a manicure instead. I WISH I had taken a "before" photo so that you could see my nails looked better before I walked in!! She put my hands in a small bowl of just water. Then filed them.. straight across, so corners are sharp and I'll have to file some more myself. She then started picking around my cuticles and pulled a large piece of skin off. It kept bleeding and she couldn't figure out how to make it stop. She put loose cotton ball on it, which only made cotton fibers stick all on the blood. She then poured straight alcohol on all my nails, which burnt the bleeding one and dried out all the rest. Add some lotion and a quick/weak massage (about 75 seconds per hand). Still bleeding, she actually tried to put the clear polish over it. I finally had to tell her to forget it.. I washed it the best I could and asked for a band-aid. She then painted the rest. As I sat, I looked at my nails and my cuticles were so dry and awful. However, I just wanted it to all be over. It's normally $12 and I figured they'd discount for the bleeding mess... but no... still $12. I would have tipped $8 for a decent job, but obviously, I left nothing. Once in the car taking pics, I even noticed the polish had turned all bubbly. This is the most ridiculous nail place I've ever seen. Oh yeh... at the end, she put a non-refridgerated water in my face. Like, nooo... I'll pass on the hot water. Smh!! Please don't go here!