Beyond a waste of money. I can't even begin to describe my disappointment in this place. My sister has been several times to the one in Westlake in California so we decided to try Vegas out.
First, SO rude. These girls are too overworked or just truly have zero personality. My stylist says "what happened that you have so much breakage in your hair, it's weird that it's only in the front"--- WHAAAAT?? Who says that? My breakage is related to hair loss from the birth control pill, thanks so much for being super rude.
The other stylist for my sister told her she hates Vegas and can't wait to leave. My sister had the longest and thickest hair of the group and she was on the verge of tears after because it was so bad- she looked like Farrah fawcett. (And it was her 21st bday- way to go drybar).
All 4 of us - our hair fell within the hour. Mine literally looked like I got out of bed and I asked for the "cosmo"- basic curls. Everyone fixed their own hair when we got back to our hotel.
It was the biggest waste of money ($49!). They apparently are opening a location in Austin Texas where I'm from and I will be sure to NOT go. Huge disappointment and wished I didn't tip them out of kindness.