We've driven by this location several times and I was excited to try it. Turns out, I was confusing it with Noodles and Co. I realized my mistake once I saw the menu, but since we were there we gave it a try. I wish we had passed.
Based on the appearance of the menu, I am shocked this is a chain. The menu signs are poorly designed and look cheap. The entire set up just isn't that professional looking. Nothing about the place screams fresh food.
I ordered a Sesame Lo Mein. It was ok. Not horrible, but not good either. Kids both had Mac n cheese. They liked it well enough, but I thought I was flavorless.
The bizarre thing was my hubs' meal. He ordered a shrimp pesto dish. He should have read the description more carefully. It arrived as a big bowl of shrimp and pesto looking liquid - lack of a better description. This bowl was nestled in a big bowl of raw spinach. In all my years of eating out, I just couldn't figure it out. The pesto concoction wasnt soup and there was no dressing for the spinach, so it wasn't a salad - what in the world do you do with this meal? We went and read the menu description thinking they must have forgot the pasta, but no, they didn't. This item is listed as a specialty of theirs. Just.plain.weird. He ended up buying a bowl of noodles to mix the sauce into and it actually tasted ok, but what a pain! We ended up taking the raw spinach home in two take out boxes - there was that much spinach! Four hours to think about it and i still cant figure out what that meal was supposed to be. We will not be back.