This place specializes in authentic Thai massage. This type of massage incorporates mainly different types techniques and stretches that aid in the relief of major tension helping muscles return to thier original relaxed state. Sadly many massage fans have been misinformed that deep tissue type of work is supposed to be painful. This is totally contraindicated with what the intent of deep work is supposed to accomplish. It is actually abuse on the body from a therapist and never should any client allow it. Immediately stop your massage and ask for either another therapist or a refund. A compassionate and professional therapist will understand and take no offense to this. They know communication is key in that deep work is based on individual needs helping to explain that even if they want deeper the body is actually saying ease up. Having the ability to walk a client through this will make a world of difference in your overall experience when looking into deep work. Remember that deep work for one client will never be the same for another.
I had the pleasure to receive a Thai massage from Anita and it was absolutely amazing and authentic. She checked in on me for pressure to reassure me verbally and as soon as she'd feel my body reject her deep work because it was too much she'd immediately readjust. It was one of the best Thai massages I've ever had. Because of the hard work I do I need her services at least twice a month.