We recently switched to Cox after a horrendous experience with Century Link. The installation was scheduled for the 24th of December, 2014. The scheduled time was from 8 am to 10am. I received a call a little after 9am from the tech letting me know he was on his way.
About 20 minutes later I got another call from the tech telling me he rang our bell and no one was home. I asked him if he was sitting a red truck outside my house. He said yes. Turns out he had the wrong address and was ringing the bell of my next door neighbor.
Well the installation went OK and I needed to run to Best Buy to buy a router. I came home set the whole thing up and everything was good.
The next day, we had no internet service. I called the 800 number and they walked me through the fix. So far, so good.
Yesterday I get a bill from my neighbor from Cox. They still had the wrong address on the account. I called Cox to explain the error and request a correction and they disconnected all services. I call them again and after numerous attempts to get it corrected, we finally had internet, but no home phone service. A truck is coming on Monday morning to either replace the modem and reestablish phone service.
I was with Qwest (Century Link) for 11 years. Now that I switched to Cox-I think I switched to the wrong company!