I'm not sure how in any realm of circumstances the manager of this store got his job. He is the rudest most insulting person I have come across in a management position. I am a long standing customer of CVS and have been for years. I travel ALL across the country and go into many CVS's and I have never had a person working there be so incredibly rude and awful and talk down to me and scream at me ever. You don't treat your customers like that! I won't ever go back in this store! When I walked in the store with my 18 week old puppy on a leash I asked the employee at the front if this was ok. She said yes. I went to the back got my prescription and then grabbed a few items and went to pay. Walked up to self checkout and rang up my items and literally was on my way out the door and this manager started completely harassing me in a completely condescending manner and tone of voice at the register saying what specially does your service dog do? Have you had him certified? I was all: What? What are you talking about? Then he starts yelling at me telling me that I'm not supposed to be in the store with the dog if he's not certified and how I can be fined for that! What is the guy the cops? I say: Well, when I walked in the front door I asked your employee who said it was ok for me to be in here with him or I would have left him in the car. He screams at me that there's a sign on the front door. (Well I didn't see a sign...geez! Like customers read that stuff when thy are walking in to grab a few things especially when I have been all across the country and been into CVS's with my dog. & clearly your own employees haven't seen this sign since I was told it was ok by your employee!) By then my puppy is barking due to this guy raising his voice at me and being menacing! Then this manager has the nerve to shield a customer saying: "Oh just stay back because I don't about this one. He might attack you!" I said: It's an 18 week old, 6.5lb puppy!!! What is with this guy?!?! He chased me out of the store screaming at me "THERE' A SIGN ON THE FRONT DOOR!!!" when I said to him again: You're employee told me this was OK and don't worry I won't ever be back to this store! Who hires people like this? I want to know because I'm all for following rules and there is a proper way of telling a customer the dog isn't allowed in the store and what not and I'm ok with being told NO your dog isn't allowed in the store but don't you ever scream at me or speak to me in a condescending manner, belittle me and pretty much chase me out the store after YOUR EMPLOYEE told me this was ok! YOU DONT SPEAK TO PAYING CUSTOMERS IN THAT MANNER EVER!!! And FYI: One of your regular customers was waiting outside for me to apologize for your behavior because she has a business down the street and comes into the store ALL the time and she said: "This is how he treats everyone...customers and employees. He is the biggest jerk I have ever seen and I don't know how he got or keeps his job. Way to go CVS!!! You have a manager who is a horrible human being who is abusive to customers and has no skill set at all to be dealing with people. That's who you have representing you!
PS: I respond really well to: "Hey, your dog isn't allowed in the store." My response would have been: "Oh sorry bout that, I asked when I walked in. No problem."
That whole entire situation was completely unnecessary!! It didn't have to be like that at all but your manager made it that way because he's abusive and a bully and speaks to and treats paying customers like that.