After almost 10 years as a loyal Verizon customer, I will be switching to a new cell provider, once my contract runs out. We have two cell phones on our plan and stopped at this Verizon store today to get an inexpensive phone for our foster son. After being told by the sales rep that we could add a specific phone to our phone plan and that our new bill would actually be less, because we were changing our plan to something that was a better deal, and after signing all the paperwork and getting the new phone set up for our foster son, the sales rep says he made a mistake and it's going to cost us almost $40/month more than he told us originally. When I questioned this, he said that de discovered that it would only be the original price he quoted us after our contract about 6 months. The only reason we chose the phone we did and made the changes to our plan was because he told us it would be cheaper. This is not the first time this has happened to me with Verizon and I'm starting to think that they train their staff to be shady and do stuff like this. It's disgusting and I'm done with Verizon. As soon as my contract ends, they can say goodbye to me and my business. I'll take my money somewhere else where my loyalty as a customer is rewarded, instead of being treated like a sucker.