| - I have never had an over-the-top and deliciously decadent breakfast that doesn't leave me feeling guilty, nauseated or sleepy afterwards.... until now.
Victory was delivered in the form of carrot cake pancakes. They are, for lack of better terminology, the bee's knees. The butterfly's shins. The wasp's ankles. You get the idea. Two fluffy pancakes studded with thick carrot ribbons, spices, and a delicious dose of sweetness independent of the maple syrup and fresh fruit they were served with. These are better than carrot cake... and I don't consider too many things in this world better than carrot cake.
On a very mildly unpleasant note, one cake was slightly undercooked in the middle. However, I have no fear of vegan pancake batter and proceeded to shove the entire thing in my mouth anyway. I washed that down with a "field of greens" juice (it tastes like it has the power to cure hundreds of ailments), and deemed myself full and satisfied.
Then, I noticed a little sliver of pie sitting in the fridge. Just a sad, single sliver. I had to inquire.. it looked so lonesome. Turns out it was chocolate caramel turtle pie. Vegan, raw, gluten-free, chocolate caramel turtle pie with a nut crust, salted caramel sauce, pepitas and pecans on top. I don't need to explain what happened next, just know that it was beautiful. Worth every one of the 650 pennies I shelled out for it.
It's been seven hours since I've eaten and I'm still not hungry. With the quality ingredients that 24 Carrots puts into all their dishes, it's no surprise that juice, two pancakes and half a slice of pie has sustained me until dinnertime. Oh, 24 Carrots, your wholesome goodness will surely lure me in again soon.