This place gives the worst care. Therapy is non existent. My mother has been here twice. The first time after leaving she could barely walk. She needed assistance getting around. She was then re-admitted for more therapy which they left her in bed the entire week where now she can't even walk at all. When asked about physical therapy the therapist said he thought she was discharged the week prior. This was sort of true. She was discharged 2 weeks prior but was re-admitted a week later for more physical therapy. She never got any. Now she can't walk at all. Also the staff does not seem very attentive towards her. I came to visit my mother after work to find her in full dirty diaper and the bed stained with urine. Oh and also her call light was broken so if she needed help she couldn't for it anyways. I could keep going but the more I do the madder I get so I will leave it here.