I would advise you stay far far away from any Sun Auto! They use cheap parts and may be tapering with your vehicle. My boyfriend and I have been taking our car (Honda) to them for over a year now and we kept going in for the same problems. We finally took it to Japanese car service (who have been amazing! ) they showed us, the parts they replaced and explained that none of these parts were Honda specific and terrible quality. And they notice a bolt was missing from work that sun auto did. The bolt was suppose to connect the steering wheel to the rack and pinion. If it came apart, the car would have lost control. After this visit we took the car to Sun Auto once more because the power steering (the current problem that we had with the car ) was leaking again. We took it to them hoping the warranty was still good. We ended up just leaving after they said it was a different power steering problem (so no work was done on the car). Then we took it back to the Japanese car service. They proceeded to tell us that the radiator cap was replaced with a substandard one. They showed us the bight yellow cap they use and they red one it was replaced with. They are super friendly at sun auto but i promise you will regret it. Call around.