A Company vehicle from this establishment on I-347 was driving recklessly, nearly rear ending me. The whole time this company vehicle was tailgating me on the way home at night, trying to push me off the road too go over the speed limit of 75 mph! I could be wrong but the license plate on the vehicle is "BZ5556", the vehicle was going so fast I could not read the plate. If this employee is an asshole on the road, in public knowing that he is driving a vehicle with the companies name and logo he oviusly does not care about his job nor who he represents. I can only imagine the type of people Tahoe designs is hiring. Tahoe designs will probably not give a care about what I am telling here. There for there customer service and product will probably be the same, a poor representation of there brand and experience you can expect if being a customer.
This is my review, on my experience with this company while not being a customer but for sure not a future customer if ever in need of this type of service.
Calling the police to attend to this matter would be a waste of time because of a slow time response and/or "here say" due to no proof.
I am all ready tired of the bad reckless driving on I-347 as it is. We don't need more to be add by companies we could be trusting for services.
I hope the company rectifies these bad issues.