Full review is two stars.
4 stars for the seating. It's comfy and nice. It was also fairly quiet. A nice place for an intimate drink. That's where the plusses end.
2.5 stars for the cocktails themselves. Folks, they're pretty average. (One of them was particularly flat in taste (caballo blanco; the pineapple juice flattened the whole thing). You're paying for the setting, I guess.
1.5 - 2 stars for the price of the cocktails considering that they are of average quality for a bar like this. Yes, it's Vegas. We have no trouble paying for good drinks (and do plenty, trust me), but the point is that they're not *better*, or even as good as, other nice bars.
1 star for the fact that, even when ordering 3 drinks for just 2 people, they will not just give you a water back. They will only sell you bottled water.