I recently moved from Hawaii to Vegas and have been on the hunt for Asian grocery stores, specifically Japanese. It's definitely been a challenge to find grocery stores that sell Asian food, who are very limited in what they carry. I've come to realize that I would need to go to an Asian specialty store or Chinatown to get anything Asian.
To my surprise, I stumbled across this little gem on Eastern/Serene. This store has everything I need and then some. A trip to Chinatown is out of my way and Japan Creek is right up my alley. No seriously! It's close to where I live and convenient to get to.
I was able to pick up natto(boyfriends fave), furikake seasonings(every local Hawaiian necessity), chazuke seasoning, and Ichiban Sapporo saimin. I felt like I hit the jackpot. This is Japan heaven!
I'm so happy that I've found this place. Definitely my "go to" place for my Japanese fix!