| - I had a great first experience when this place opened, had a manicure. The place had a friendly atmosphere. I decided to go back and the atmosphere changed. I checked in for my appointment, and lady upfront was not as friendly and seemed confused. They finally found someone to do my pedicure. The chairs where you get your pedicure are nice looking chairs, just not very comfortable. Another employee just kept staring at me, made me feel uncomfortable. And then it seemed like the other employees were arguing over something, I didn't understand their language, but one caught me looking at them and noticed my face, (concerned look) and said oh don't worry we are not arguing, it is our dialect. Well I thought there was going to be a fight, but I guess they were talking about the chairs and how it hurts the person giving a pedicure because they have to bend down. (true it does not look comfortable for them), but I just wanted peace and quiet. last time they had this TV on, showing places in Hawaii, it was not on this time. The girl giving me my pedicure was ok, she did knick me and drew blood, but never acknowledged it, maybe just say your sorry, it did hurt for a couple days after. and I have to be careful, I don't want an infection. The place is clean and it does not smell of chemicals which is great. Not sure if I will go back though....