| - Well, like many of you, Garcia's PIzza holds a special place in my heart. in the late 80's, Garcia's was in its heyday, and the Green Street location was the center of its universe. Friday nights always ended with a slice or two and many, many games of Cyclone pinball in the dungeon. Last week (08/11), I was back in Champaign with my 17 year old son and decided to visit Garcia's on Green St for old time's sake. Well, the Green St location was kinda boarded up with signs directing us to a Mattis St location. Long story short, Garcia's was not the same as I remember. The pizza was good - not great - and I'm not really sure if it's changed over the years. The ambiance was okay - kinda dirty and cluttered - not unlike the original but somehow lacking the character. The original owner, a super nice guy, happened to be there that day and explained to be his reasons for closing down the Green St location (something about ginormous air conditioner bills). I was somewhat sorry to see Garcia's reduced to this shell of its former self. And, yes, the Tomato Van was rusting in the parking lot... :(