How to loose a customer in 3 easy steps
Just wanted to share our experience at Fridays tonight and let you know that the marketing department and restaurants don't seem to be on the same page.
Step #1: Send out 2 for 1 coupon
Step #2: Decide that Soup and Salad is not an entree.
Step #3 Fail to empower store manager (Shawn @ Fridays on Sunset in Henderson Nevada) to take any action.
Just in case a bit more explanation is needed:
We received this coupon in the mail OR newspaper, I don't remember which.
Also received a free appetizer or desert via email
Decided to go to Fridays for hubby's birthday. Knew in advance we can use one coupon or the other but not both. Check to see if our location is excluded. It is not.
Order chicken sandwich and ask waiter if there is a soup and salad. We are told yes.
Give server coupon and are told that Endless Soup and Salad are not included. Pointed out that there was no endless, simply one salad and one cup of soup.
Pay bill, leave tip.
Ask to speak to manager on the way out.
Shawn (the manager) said "Well you had ENDLESS soup and salad. That is not included".
Pointed out there was no "endless". Showed coupon and asked where it specified no soup or salad.
Was asked "Well what would you like ME to do about it."
Realized Shawn was either clueless or powerless to satisfy the customer.
Left and will not be back.