My coworker and I opted to deviate from our usual lunch spots and get something from Boston Market. It's been a while since I've been to Boston Market, but I was familiar with their offerings and already knew what I wanted to get. I ordered the Three-Piece Dark combo with mashed potatoes and mac-n-cheese. We got our soft drinks while we waited for food to be prepared. Our orders were prepared within a reasonable time and we were on our way. I had to double check my order to make sure that I got what I had ordered. Upon inspection, I saw a sorry excuse for a Three-Piece Dark chicken meal. The chicken pieces looked like they were from pigeons. The side order of mashed potatoes and mac-n-cheese dwarfed the serving of chicken. We were well on our way back to work, so we stopped at Burger King to get a burger because I was certain that the "Three-Piece Dark" meal was not going to leave me feeling very satiated. C'mon, Boston Market. I could have gone to a local grocery store and bought a whole rotisserie chicken and received a better value than this. If this is the new norm for serving size for rotisserie chicken, I will no longer be a patron at your establishments.