Going to keep this initial review short and sweet but Borgo (by Giuseppe di Gennaro) is a keeper. When it seems like every other new restaurant is some sort of microbrewery/craft beer joint, Borgo brings a refreshing style where friends and family can indulge in quality food with an authentic Italian flavour.
My first "date" with Borgo was on a lazy Saturday afternoon consisting of a glass of wine, a couple of cicheti (appetizers), and topped off with a Illy espresso macchiato. The first "date" went so well, I had to go back for more.
Second "date" was dinner with a close friend and we were quite satisfied with the meal. There was a little bit of a wait as they don't take reservations but that's really the point of a trattoria where one just walk in. Service was prompt, efficient, and relaxed.
Overall, I highly recommend Borgo and the staff there can bet that they'll be seeing much more of me in the future!