Dirty with a capital D. Disgusting with a capital D. We went here on Friday morning and ended up walking out and going somewhere else.
While they were walking us to our table, I watched as we passed by tables that appeared to have been wiped, but in actuality most of the yuck was just smeared in a circular motion on the tops.
When we arrived at our table is when I saw the ants.
Our waiter came over and I pointed out the ants. He proceeded to use his finger and smash the ants 1 at a time into the table. Let's just pause here a moment and visualize. It was repulsive.
He then looked at me and asked if I still wanted to sit there, or would I like a new table. Yes. He was serious. I was wanting to run out the door, as he pointed to a new table, my 5 year old begged to stay. I reluctantly sat down(after sweeping some crumbs from my sons chair) and thats when my leg stuck to my chair. The table was also sticky and wobbly beyond being able to place a drink on it and not have it spill. I had enough. I had beyond enough.
Just to add insult to injury, While we walked to our car, I saw an ant crawling on my sons face. Needless to say we were itchy for the next hour- not from actual ants, thank God..but from that creepy feeling that more bugs were on us.
Do not eat here.