Sprouts used to be a place I stopped into here or there, every now and then, but it's now become my pretty regular stop for fruits, veggies, & meats (I also get cheeses here a lot of the time & every now and then they're pre-made stuff).
For the most part these items are on par (and often times cheaper) than "regular" supermarkets. Most of the time the quality is a lot better (particularly on meats). One item I get all the time here is chicken sausage (I probably eat it once a week). There's always a few different varieties to choose from (French chicken apple, Italian, feta & spinach,...).
A lot of the other stuff here is more expensive than most supermarkets so I tend to stay away from it, but every now and then I notice good prices on juices and milk. Oh...and they have good baked goods!
The store is clean & the employees are friendly. I really like shopping here!