| - Today, I found myself on Monona Drive. I also found myself in need of lunch, and I found myself right next to this Subway.
I noticed that this particular subway has a drive-through - so I gave it a try.
Driving up to the menu board and speaker/mic, I was immediately told that a very large order had just been placed and it would be about eight minutes. Had I been in a hurry, I would have thanked him and left, but I wasn't in a hurry. I was already there and a few extra minutes wouldn't kill me.
About four minutes of quiet introspection later, a guy pulled in behind me (apparently their drive-up lunch rush had a bit of a lull). I got out of my car and kindly told him about the delay. He kindly thanked me and left to explore other options.
Two minutes of Facebooking later, a gentleman piped up on the speaker and asked to take my order. I began to give it, and then he interrupted me with a "please hold on"... A full minute later, another voice came on to take my order.
As far as placing an order at a drive up window goes, it wasn't the best or the worst of similar experiences.
Pulling up to the window, a young chap (or yung samich artist) came to the window and verified the bread-type or some vegetable quandry regarding the order (I don't remember what it was, but it was good. Attention to detail is a solid plus). Then, another gentleman came to the window and offered me a free beverage to make up for the wait. He was either management or bucking for a promotion - but I liked him nonetheless.
I declined, stating that I wasn't thirsty (this seemed to befuddle him, as most people will accept outdated dairy products if they're free of charge). But, in the grand scheme of things, offering me a bucks-worth of Fanta was an astute move, so a solid plus again.
It is Subway, but there's a drive-through. They got my order correct and it was agreeable in quality and presentation. Their employees treated me well.
But I wonder what happened to the guy who first offered to take my order and then disappeared... Best left a mystery, I suppose.