Absolutely terrible. I've never gone to a massage where I left more stressed out than when I first entered. Entering this establishment it seemed nice. We did a couples massage with a groupon. We were escorted into our own semi private cubicle. They do not allow you to remove any clothing besides your shoes. For my portion of the massage the gentleman was really rough. I told him twice to be softer but all he did was say "soft" while he continued with the same force. Their massage practices are completely bizarre as well. I am a 5'4 120lb young lady and at one point I had a full grown MAN stepping on my back and applying full pressure to my shoulders with his knees!!!! I was completely uncomfortable. The establishment was really noisy as well. They have a loud wind chime on the door so you can hear anyone entering. There was also another guest there carrying a full conversation over the phone in the middle hallway completely ruining our peace. They didn't even bother to quiet him down or apologize to us. As we were leaving they demanded a tip. My boyfriend tried to explain to them why we didn't want to tip and they practically walked us to our car demanding a tip still. There are far better establishments in Las Vegas. I'm surprised this place is still open.