I totally GET when a customer asks you about something that you're not familiar with. DON'T LIE!!! ASK your co-worker about it.
This Chevron takes your Vons card # for gas rewards. I normally do this at the pump but since I was paying cash, had to go inside. There's an idiot here who says "we don't have that system yet" when I asked when to enter my Vons card for my discount. WHAT?????
Only when the manager overheard the convo did he intervene & tell this nut how to "do it."
20 cents off a gallon of gas may not seem like much, but when you're on fumes...every drop counts!
And maybe, just maybe...instead of talking with other people in line you should focus on the person you're helping. Maybe I wouldn't eye roll you as you try to charge me AGAIN for gas I paid for 2 seconds before.