I went to Discovery Place in middle school during a school field trip. It was an amazing place. The exhibits were so cool, there was so much to see and do. So recently I decided to take my own little ones to see all the fun and exciting exhibits I had enjoyed. Wow, how time changes a place. My kids were bored...I mean INSANELY bored, and I have very inquisitive and intelligent children! The very few exhibits that were interesting were covered over by kids who didn't know the meaning of the words "taking turns", whose parents were over in the corner on their assorted electronic devices. This place is little more than a overhyped daycare now. All the cool things I did and enjoyed as an adolescent were replaced with "rooms" that had microscopes that barely worked, a hands-on exhibit of water creatures that for some strange reason my kids weren't allowed to touch for more than two seconds by the employee manning the exhibit, despite some of the other children splashing around in the water and making a mess. We severely overpaid for a grand total of ninety minutes of sheer boredom. We honestly tried, but other than the building blocks in a supposed "architecture" exhibit that was taken over by adult Frank Lloyd Wright-wannabes, leaving few bricks for the actual kids to use, there was little to do. We won't be coming back; there are way too many good opportunities for education that offer a lot more than I saw at Discovery Place.