I was impressed with Enterprise last week. I always dread the airport and renting cars because in my experiences, they have always been a "Charlie Foxtrot". Anyways, I took the shuttle form the airport over expecting a mess but it was simple. I paid upstairs and headed down the escalator for the simplest car rental in history. I handed my paperwork to the guy, another guy took me to the available cars, and BAM I was in a...wait for it..wait for it....a FIAT! They are so hideously ugly that I knew being in another state was my only way to pull it off without tinted windows and shame. The one annoyance that I think Enterprise should clarify is the semi-con job on auto insurance. My insurance, and most peoples, covers rental cars. I got all set to go and then this question of if I want whole coverage or liability and then handed a pen. After he made it sound almost like a necessity he stated that it was merely an option. Obviously part of his job to upsell but I hope they are ethical with it and explain it to families and senior citizens without making them feel that it's obligatory to but insurance, because it's not if you have it.
Bringing the car back was simple. A guy met me at the car, looked it over, printed off a receipt and made sure everything was correct. Overall friendly service and hassle free. Oh, and the FIAT was actually sort of fun in a slow sort of way.