Had my last visit here this week. I've been coming here since they opened. The past few visits I've been made to wait while new people, clearly their buddies, come in and hop right into the chair and they weren't signed in. If the owner isn't there or the lady with glasses, you're going to get a jacked up haircut unless you wanted a fade or a military buzz. This last visit they've since added a deli counter ticket dispenser instead of signing in and it appears to be as big a cluster f as any other "system" they try to use. I pull 6, the ticker shows 0 and the place is packed with children, and music is blaring. Two more people they seemed to randomly pick get called up to the 3 barbers (I'd estimate there were 10 people waiting) and the ticker stayed at 0. I threw away my "valuable" number and I'm done with it. This used to be a nice place, and became a victim of its success I believe and most of their hires have been worst than the last. Also God help you if you get the big girl with all the tattoos if she's still there. She mangled my hair twice on separate occasions while yapping on her cell phone or talking loudly to the woman with glasses (who somehow manages to do her job correctly and speak at the same time). I guess come here if you want a buzz cut or even if you don't but want the surprise of an unexpected and unwanted buzz cut.