This place is your safest bet for Italian cuisine in the city. If you have ever been to Italy (or in my case lived there for a while) and actually know how things are suppose to be than you will appreciate the quality of the food at this place. The pizzas are the best in the city (although I have finally found a cheaper less busy alternative that rivals it!), the pasta is great, not overcooked mush like some god forsaken places claiming to be Italian restaurants, the ingredients are great, the price point is fair the only problem with this place is the goddamn wait! You can't reserve and you are always waiting. Sometimes it's a short wait but other times it's just not worth it.
If you are going through Terroni pizza withdrawal and don't want to wait (I suffer this withdrawal at least once a month) check out Via Mercanti in Kensington. Pizzas are just as good and cheaper.