The show was good and I'd say that if you're a fan of Cirque du Soleil, then it's almost mandatory that you watch it. The acrobatics were flashy and a lot of the performers were very attractive. What impressed me was that all the singing and music was played live; nothing was a recording. Another thing that's great about this show is that the theater in Treasure Island is not very big. Even though I was about 15 rows back, I was no farther than 30 yards from the stage so I could see everything clearly.
The reason why I rated it only 3 stars is because of one very big con. One of the characters in the show is an obese middle-aged man who is supposed to be a baby. He wears an oversized diaper and an undersized t-shirt while sucking on a pacifier. He uses baby talk and prances around as if he's a toddler. There are several times in the show when he is alone on stage as a solo act. While some people in the audience thought he was funny, I thought his antics were super annoying. If they removed him from the show, I would've rated it 5 stars.