Worst bunch of rent a cop goofballs. Tom claims to be retired Metro and is now a office manager...also claims to be the owner....check the website, he is not lsted as owner...Ms Sellars is named....Tom is a real goofball! He couldn't secure his own hind end. His dispatch staff forgets to pass messages and forgets calls. Tom has a pattern of lies within our short interaction. He lied and tries to push his Metro officer claim in order to attempt to intimidate...does not intimidate...he tries to be a bully but seems like the type that was bullied as a kid and has a real chip on his scrawny shoulder....not even sure if he was a officer but has a real "wantbe cop" mentallity...find a professional security company and pass on these clowns as long as they are led by a dishonest management component. Poor attitudes and smokers all over the outside of their office by employees.