We had the worse experience you can imagine with this company. We already moved 4 times in 15 years and this was the worse and most expensive. Let me give you some details:
A) Packing of household property : One member of the crew broke a glass vase and unfortunately, my wife cut her foot. We expect that small accidents can happen during packing and moving of the household but we expect to be promptly notified so we can clean the damage and prevent personal injury. We were very concerned since we have a 9 year old, a 5 year old and a 17 month old that walked barefoot though the house!!. A member of the crew packed "forbidden" cleaning products such as opened bottles of bleach, ammonia, aerosols and other chemicals. We had to unpack those ourselves and notified the crew leader. The master bedroom clothing was not appropriately packed since the shoes were placed on top of clean clothes without any paper in between, causing unnecessary stain of the clothing. Silk ties were thrown all together with belts in a box causing damage to the former piece of clothing. Kids markers, some of the them without the cover and unwrapped in paper, were also thrown in boxes mixed with towels causing staining. The United crew from our destination (this was a long distance move) found the furniture poorly padded and indicated that was the reason to find damage and severe scratches to several pieces of our furniture. The carpet of the house was not appropriately covered and protected with consequent significant staining. A sales person came to our house to see that damage and recognized the error. She asked us to clean it ourselves!!!
B)Transport of the household: Unfortunately, all our household property was not loaded in a single truck as we were told. The driver indicated that this issue happens frequently during that time of the year since it is very busy for moving companies. I was told that I should not worry since the overflow load was going to be delivered at the same time than the main load. The initial load was delivered within those dates but not the rest of the household as were told. It arrived 10 days later! The inventory of the first load was incorrect and there were over 50 items without tag (more than can be blamed on transportation issues). Several items were missing and it was unclear to us if they were going to be present in the overflow load. This caused additional and unexpected expense. A critical item for us was the vacuum cleaner since 3 of our family members have asthma and our new house had carpet in all the rooms. The vacuum cleaner was one of the items missing in the original inventory. My 5 year old son started to become symptomatic and we were authorized by Reynolds to purchase a vacuum and we were told that we would be reimbursed.
C) Transportation of the automobiles: Our contract was signed for two different ways to transport and delivery of our two cars. The first car was supposed to be delivered within 5 days (at a premium price). Both cars were late. The worse part was the manager agreed to reimburse us for additional expenses such as the vacuum, dry cleaner bills and broken items.I was quite naive to pay them after Reynolds agree to reimburse us. Months past by and the manager stop answering my calls and complaints.