This was part of my #salaciouscanada tour and NOMS was it awesome! I only had the foie gras (served as a torchon) and it was DELISH! They make it in-house, serve it with fig bread, honey and a fruit chutney! Tons of cinnamon and allspice in the additional elements. Some said it was not a foie dish, rather the foie was there to add richness to the other elements, but I disagree. It depends on how you eat the foie. If the foie is highlighted on your fork, then you create that experience for yourself. Noms. We had an awesome white wine to pair with the foie, but the sweetness made the wine seem muskier than I liked. A swift bit of the chive on the plate made the wine and fruit elements stand out and balanced your tongue so you could enjoy the experience to its fullest delight.
De-lish. :D
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