We inherited a water softening & reverse osmosis system when we bought our house, which had been installed & serviced by Rogers. We called them to come out & check it. The technician said the ws needed a complete rebuild. They nicked us for about $1000. The tech convinced us it was a good system worth repairing because it had originally cost $2500. The tech said it would run forever, with annual checkups. One year later... Guess what? We called them for the system's annual checkup & the new tech guy (who showed up only four hours late on his fourth time rescheduling appts) said our system is junk - & we need to buy a whole new system, from them at a wildly inflated price of $3200. It took about an hour to rid of the guy, who kept nudging the price down trying to get us to bite, but after he was finally gone, we went over to Home Depot & bought a fabulous new system for $400. Installed it ourselves & hauled everything Rogers installed to the dump.