I really want to like Poutini's more... I mean they have vegetarian poutine!.. and I'll give them props for that. It's a prime location for me too (I heart Parkdale) and who doesn't adore their storefront sign? (fingerpoint & "Om nom nom")
But, like a few have already mentioned, it is hella salty. Buzzkill salty. And not melty enough.. melt the friggen cheese! :(
After a late night of drinking might be the only time I'll have it now... if I can tolerate the line up and obnoxious drunks.. on second thought that would require a fine balance of drunk and sober on my part to be tolerable.. which is near impossible to achieve.
I really, really do want to like it more... but until they bring that overpowering sodium down Smoke's Poutinerie is def better, however I can only speak for the veggie versions.