| - This office is all about making money. Every time I am here, I feel very rushed in and out. The gynecologist that I've been seeing, Nurse Practitioner Reed, never seems to want to spend any extra time answering my questions. She rushes the appointment along, and acts almost annoyed if you ask her any questions. During my last well woman's visit, she acted VERY annoyed when I asked her to complete the pap smear exam, since it's no longer required by law every year. It was almost as if she rolled her eyes and thought to herself, "you mean I actually have to work right now?" Every time I schedule a doctor's appointment, she doesn't answer my questions fully, and tells me, "Well, you will need to schedule a separate appointment to discuss that." What?! Isn't that what I made this appointment for?! Well, after about 4 visits to this office, I have had enough. Every time I leave, I say to myself, "I need to find a new doctor". I am finally going to do it, I am so turned off by this place. Every patient deserves better.