J and I had to go to the Fossil store last Thursday because his 2 watches needing repairing. Forgetting where the entrance that's right next to the store, we ended up walking through Nordy.
Just outside the top floor doors of Nordy, there's Caketini. A cute little shop, which I think the original shop that was there years ago used to be affiliated with selling Nordy cookies.
Sweets + Me = Yummyness for Baby C and I! I couldnt resist, so we went inside.
I originally was just going to get a cake pop. But I decided to get a German Chocolate Cupcake (MY FAVORITE!!!) and a vanilla pop. J got the Key Lime pop and a Smore cupcake.
J liked his pop. Love? That I'm not sure of. I on the other hand did not enjoy mine, at all! It was very gummy and almost had the texture of cake with paste. You know paste, the kind your teacher told you not to eat as a kid in the classroom. I gave the rest to J.
Now the cupcakes.
J said the Smore frosting stuff was cloying and the cake was dry. He didnt even eat half of his. My cupcake too was very dry. And the traditional GC frosting (which I love) was one note. I didnt even eat 1/4 of the cupcake. Now if I hadnt already known what German Chocolate cake tasted like, and had tried this....I doubt I would every try GC again.
$12+ for a lot of disappointment. :(
I seriously wonder if the reason for the dry cake is because they have everything in a cooler case.
I am having flashbacks from a certain little bakery/cupcake shop I reviewed for my wedding bakery.
Make the memories go away!!!!