If you just need to buy pool supplies, no problem. However - if you need your pool serviced, welcome to Leslie's Eternal Hellscape of Wasted Time! No-shows, cancelled appointments, and technicians who just get up and leave in the middle of service are common occurrences. Of the last 6 appointments we've made, zero have resulted in any work being done! Only 3 have resulted in someone actually showing up! On only 1 out of the 6 appointments did we have someone show up and stay long enough to diagnose a problem - but alas, it required new parts and rescheduling, which threw us into the neverending spiral of broken promises, wasted hours and despair, all as the pool gets cloudier by the day. If you're looking to waste a significant amount of your own time *and* ensure you get your very own backyard swamp, by all means - call Leslie's!