| - Stayed at the Luxor because we were going to see Blue Man Group, decided to get dinner after the show. Had read about Ri Ra, and sought it out. The first beer we were served was flat. Seriously, the carbonation or whatever had run out, not an auspicious start!
Ordered the baked goat cheese appetizer, which was ok. Ordered the fish and chips (the smaller size EASILY satisfied both the wife and myself, no arguing that the portion size is generous). The fish was tasty, the fries a bit greasy, but hey, this is pub fare after all.
So food, not bad. Not fantastic, but par for the course.
It was the "entertainment" that soured our evening. There was some kind of singing duo up on the stage at the far end of the establishment. When we were seated, we asked to be as far from the "band" as possible, which brought critical looks from our hostess. Turns out we weren't nearly far enough away. These two guys singing were horrible. My wife and I are both musicians, we know what wrong notes sound like, and we heard PLENTY of them. If this is what passes for "live Irish entertainment" then they need to offer earplugs at the door.