So far baller. I like that a three star review was because they only had ashtrays at back of bar. Look stop killing yourself and your dog. I think it's clever to even have them and make you go far away, but yes you need to go away from other people so you are NOT an asshole and forcing them to smell and inhale your smoke.
Goes into second point lots of people are clueless a$$holes so some might blow smoke in your face or not watch their dogs. Reviewer was former a***** but mad some people don't watch their dogs. IT'S calling going out. Not sure what reality they live in where everything and everyone has to conform to them.
Anyway place is sweet only problem is I don't see how they are going to make money. They have so much staff for so many people mildly drinking. Dirty secret about bars is they are in the red all week and basically make money Friday and Saturday nights serving massive amounts of product.
Place is run really well but have feeling it won't be around long. Bartender even comes out and refills. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts and you should check it out too if you have a pup.