Well, I was an avid Android user and made the switch in May to the iPhone due to the ever growing phone size. The iPhone was one of the few phones still a decent phone size without it starting to look like a tablet...
On September 18th my iPhone went into the toilet. After researching ways to fix it (rice and all that stuff) and looking at prices on eBay and whatnot, we decided to make a visit to the Apple Store.
We went on Septeimber 26th (the day AFTER the new iPhone came out) hoping we had a chance to get my issue resolved. We had decided that we were just going to purchase a refurb from Apple's "Out of Warranty" program. When we showed up to the store it was chaotic as you can probably imagine. We were greeted right away asking what we were they for. Then was told to go to a line to make an appointment. After I gave my contact info, they told me it would be about 25 min and they would send me a text when they were ready for me. Which is great because waiting around there would've been nuts. Literally 5 min later we get the text, head back, get a seat at the Genius Bar and a nice guy greeted us. I walked out with my new phone about 15 min later. He was very informative, friendly and efficient. I can't believe how fast it was.