I just don't understand why, in HOT southern Nevada, they wouldn't keep this pool open longer. It opens a week after Memorial day and only stays open through Labor Day. Daily, it's only open from noon til 6pm. Oh wait, I think I know: Payroll. They're too cheap to PAY people to run it that long.
The lack of funding for personnel shows. The lifeguards may have passed a CPR and lifesaving course, but their customer service skills leave a LOT to be desired. Ditch the mirrored cop sunglasses, kids. This is a part time, seasonal job. A whistle and a megaphone should not make you forget that you are dealing with PEOPLE. And they are the ones who ultimately pay your meager salaries.
Last week I went in there when the place first opened and the men's room smelled and looked like someone had peed all over the floor. It was a complete, smelly mess. I hope this isn't a regular thing. Doesn't matter though, I won't be back.