Was there to purchase a sound bar, nobody offered to assist, a few employees walked by and nobody acknowledged me. Tired of waiting I removed the tag from the display to pay at the customer service and an employee saw me walking by very frustrated and offered to help. He lied and said everyone was busy assisting other customers when there were three employees 10 steps away from us laughing and talking to each other. After being there a long time I paid for the item and waited more to find out they were unable to find the item. I asked for a refund and left as fast as I could. I can't believe that the employee didn't even try to upsell me or offer something comparable and let a sale walk out the door. When I got home I completed their Best Buy Cares survey, requested for someone to contact me and they never did. I actually think you can get better service from the Best Buy bending machines than at an actual store. I would recommend for people to just test the items you want to buy at best buy and just purchase them directly from Amazon 9 out of 10 times they will be cheaper.