I have taken 3 of my dogs here to get spayed and neutered and had no problem at all UNTIL THIS MORNING, I took my 2 pups there this morning to get spayed and neutered and was greeted by a VET TECH that had the most rude attitude like as if she didnt want to be there today... she had the nerve to tell me that since my kids didn't get a additonal 4th series of vaccines that they are not up to date on them and that they would catch PARVO at the clinic. UMMMM First of all My kids have had 3 series of vaccines which is the requirement, Secondly My paperwork THAT I BROUGHT IN says they do not Expire until DECEMBER OF 2016 soooo where do you get that info from ? The service this time around was horrible and made me uncomfortable especially after I told the nurse that her attitude was unprofessional and she yelled at me and slammed the door. Than the Doctor comes in and is defending the nurse and does not even apologize for the rude behavior and gave an excuse of WELL SHE FELT IT WAS UN SAFE ... UMMM EXCUSE ME TELLING ME MY KIDS WILL CATCH PARVO BC OF YOUR LACK OF DILIGENCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE . So needless to say I told the vet and manager i will no longer go through with the surgery because i am uncomfortable with them here with you . FOR A NONPROFIT YOU GUYS SHOULD HAVE MORE COURTESY FOR YOUR CLIENTS. BUT THATS OKAY BC MY KIDS ARE NOW GOING TO SOUTH VALLEY ANIMAL WHERE THEY ARE SAFE AND PROFESSIONAL. WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THIS PLACE .