| - Perhaps my expectations where that of my younger days at Showbiz Pizza. What a great time was had by all back then....ahhh the memories of the Rock-a-Fire Explosion band rocking the house while we ate pretty good pizza and played lots of games. .
Fast forward to last week and here is what you have....A staff who could care less, machines that don't work and/or out of tickets (the whole reason kids want to play them to collect tickets), a food quality that borders airline level of taste, and all of that equals 2 unhappy birthday kids and one very under impressed impressed uncle. Wow is all I can say at how simply BAD this place is. It was actually my birthday last week and since my niece and nephew have birthdays "close enough" we decided to celebrate all the birthdays while they were in town visiting.
The first lady we encountered at the front door stamped our hands to keep us all together (this is about the only impressive thing here other than I saw kids under 5 running out the front door with no one checking their stamp so don't let that false sense of security put your mind at ease). We then stood in line for nearly 20 mins to give them our money (hello first rule of business...) while I watched several other employees approach the cash registers but then walk away...ONE PERSON working the registers and a line out the door (well done chuck). What appeared to be the manager was at the front counter but was too busy talking on her walkie talkie to care that the line was so long or to bother to assist in getting everyone in and paid so the line of anxious kids could go play. I would have walked out after seeing this for a few minutes but thought..."the kids are going to have fun right?". Me, the cool Uncle, not only ordered the largest token pack with the pizzas but then ordered another $50 in tokens to ensure the kids would have a great time. This ended up being a huge mistake. Out of 6 ski ball machines (which the uncle likes to play), only 1 worked fully. Missing balls, ticket giver broken, just simply out of order with no sign saying so...and so begins the experience. I must have put 15 tokens into ski ball machines to realize that they were broken except one (well done chuck). Lots of machines there are all about winning tickets. The kids started to focus on those...guess what...out of tickets (well done chuck). After what seemed like a very long time (was only because the games were not giving the kids the stimulus they needed...hard to when they are broken or malfunctioning) the pizzas came. I don't want to whine about overpriced pizza at an overpriced arcade, but wow was that bad. Overcooked, not consistent, nuff said. After we ate a couple pieces and realized that it was not very good we went back to play in hopes the ticket fairy had filled up the machines again.....ummmm not so much.
We had not even begun to crack into the $50 token pile yet and we were done with Chuck. I found ONE machine that was actually giving out tickets and then proceeded to dump all $50 worth of tokens into it just be done. And thats when the next bit of fun happened.
We approached the redemption counter behind a line of people (once again, ONE person working it). We patiently waited our turn for the your lady who was working there (do you know hard it is to keep kids still and calm when its about prize redemption) just then another employee walked up and said "Can I help you sir" only it wasn't to was to a guy who had just walked to to the counter. The lady in front of me said "excuse me but we have been waiting in line" to which this young guy in a very rude tone said "Mamn, you need to come over here" with a look of disgust on his face. I am not a violent guy but I wanted to throw that kid out of the front door when I heard him talk that way to a customer. We finally got our $2 worth of prizes (well the best that $80 of tokens would get) and started to head out the door.
This was a Wednesday night 7/9/15 at 5:20pm when we arrived (early on not a weekend) so what happened to these places?? My niece and nephew said..."its ok uncle, lets just not go there again" to which I said "I could not agree more" and finished the night off with some DQ ice cream which was the highlight of the evening.
There are many others things we could have done on their birthdays (and mine) that would have cost much less and been much more fun. Staff who don't care, machines that are not working, and bad food....what else can I say (you fail chuck).
PS: The Chuck E show is not even the band anymore....he's a freakin DJ now (how vegas) and even THAT was not working properly on this night.