BOTTOM LINE: The filet mignon was A-OK but everything else was pretty 'meh'.
It's hard for me to get excited about steak houses when an excellent butcher and a barbecue/cast iron pan will get you the same results. I also become resentful when sides cost more for the same fine piece of meat you can purchase from the butcher!
I ordered their FILET MIGNON which came with ALEXANDER SHRIMPS. Both very good. The steak was nice and blue and not a second overcooked. I liked that they kept it simple and didn't over spice it or drown it in gravy (god forbid!). The shrimps were big and juicy. Expectations, met!
The rest of the meal, however, was pretty disappointing. The MORTON'S SALAD (roughly cut up lettuce with bits of blue cheese) was pretty forgettable, the SOUR CREAM MASHED POTATOES was ultra bland, the veggies were standard, and the DOUBLE CHOCOLATE MOUSSE tasted like packaged goods. My DCs commented that their KEY LIME PIE was too sweet.
As with many steak houses, I'm perpetually reminded that it's almost always better to do it yourself. Morton's is no exception.